On May 23, 2023, BBB requested Advisor Roadmap to modify, substantiate, or discontinue claims made on their websites (https://www.youradvisorroadmap.com/ & https://youradvisorroadmap.lpages.co/client-acquisition-masterclass-may-18th-2023/) that read, "The #1 Training & Coaching Program For Financial Advisors to Acquire More Ideal Clients & Build an Ideal Business", "...and gain instant access to proven, repeatable, scripted, step-by-step processes...", "Members receive a return-on-investment of $30,000, or MORE... in 90 days, or LESS...", "A Proven Process For Acquiring Ideal Clients That Actually Works!...AdvisorRoadmap™ gives you instant access to proven, scripted, and repeatable processes designed to increase your skill, your ability, and your confidence at acquiring Ideal Clients. These processes have helped thousands of advisors from around the world generate more money, work with the right kind of clients, and have a better work/life balance... and they WILL WORK FOR YOU.", "Are You Ready to Make A Lot More Money and Work with More Ideal Clients?", "Remember, this investment in yourself is only a fraction of what you'll earn when you learn how to acquire Ideal Clients the right way.", "Anyone can learn these skills and profit from them.", "...and lastly a proven, repeatable process for successful client acquisition that is guaranteed to work for YOU!", "The #1 most proven Client Acquisition Tool!", and customer reviews with no source or disclaimers. Additionally, on the business' social media accounts (https://www.linkedin.com/company/advisorroadmap & https://www.instagram.com/advisorroadmap/?hl=en) they read, "The #1 Training For Financial Advisors to Acquire Ideal Clients & Build an Ideal Business" and "As a Member of the AdvisorRoadmap Virtual Training Platform, you'll receive access to proven, repeatable, scripted, step-by-step processes to:..". Advertisers must be prepared to substantiate such claims per BBB's Code of Advertising.
BBB's Code of Advertising Section 34 states, Claims relating to performance, energy savings, safety, efficacy or results for a product or service should be based on recent and competent testing or other objective data. BBB's Code of Advertising Section 28 states, Superlative statements in advertisements about the tangible qualities and performance values of a product or service are objective claims for which the advertiser must possess substantiation as they can be based upon accepted standards or tests. As statements of fact, such claims, like “#1 in new car sales in the city,” can be proved or disproved. BBB's Code of Advertising Section 29 states, Expressions of opinion or personal evaluation of the intangible qualities of a product or service are likely to be considered puffery. Such claims are not subject to the test of truth and accuracy and would not need substantiation. BBB's Code of Advertising Section 20 states, When using the term “warranty” or “guarantee” in product advertising, the advertiser must clearly and conspicuously include a statement that the complete details of the warranty can be seen prior to sale at the advertiser's location, viewed on the advertiser’s website or, in the case of mail or telephone order sales, made available free on written request. BBB's Code of Advertising Section 30 states, In general, advertising which uses testimonials or endorsements is likely to mislead or confuse if: 30.1.3 It contains representations or statements which would be misleading if made directly by the advertiser; 30.1.4 While literally true, it creates deceptive implications; Additionally, BBB's Code of Advertising Section 1 states, The primary responsibility for truthful and non-deceptive advertising rests with the advertiser. Advertisers should be prepared to substantiate any objective claims or offers made before publication or broadcast. Upon request, they should present such substantiation promptly to the advertising medium or BBB.
On May 31, 2023 the business emailed BBB and requested to schedule a phone call for June 1, 2023.
On June 1, 2023 BBB spoke with the business and the business requested an extension. BBB granted the extension to June 15, 2023.
On June 16, 2023 BBB emailed the business asking for a response and gave a final extension to June 21, 2023.
On June 20, 2023 the business emailed BBB stating they would not be able to respond until mid July. BBB emailed the business back the same day, stating no further extension can be granted and the case will close. BBB informed the business that they are more than welcome to respond in July for BBB to re-evaluate the case.
As of June 20, 2023 the business has not responded to BBB's request.